Cassette Store Day 2018 - Brian's "Greatest Hits" Record

In 2011, Campers' Rule Records was materializing as a dream. The idea was; record bands in the basement of the community house we all lived in near the Botanical Gardens of Brooklyn and release these records under the umbrella of an artist-first communal label. One of the first projects we ever got to be part of was the all-female power psyche trio "Brian," a band who we seriously loved more than just about any band from Brooklyn at that time. Brian put their faith in our ability to make their record happen with the measly setup we had down in our basement. The sessions were authentically cool, the vibes were far out, and the record was sounding oh so great. Somewhere along the way the work halted, and we were left with semi-done mixes. Life sped by, and Brian's record got tossed into the pile of unfinished projects for a good 7 years. Now, for 2018's Cassette Store Day, we are officially releasing these recordings for the first time. They have been dug up and we spent some time finishing out the mixing work we started 7 years ago. We tried to let the original tracks shine the way they were recorded back then and kept any overdubbing or addition processing to a minimum. The finished result is Brian's first and only record, "Greatest Hits." It sounds amazing!

A limited supply of cassette tapes will be available starting on Saturday, October 13th, 2018. You'll be able to order one here until the supply runs out.

Cassette Store Day is quite the event. To find out more about it, Brooklyn Vegan posted a great list of what's available here:

Or go directly to the Cassette Store Day website to find out more:

Much Love,

Posted on September 12th, 2018